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We need volunteers

Do you care about lymphedema and want to get involved supporting those affected?

Become a volunteer for the Lymphedema Association of Québec (LAQ). We’re the only Québec organization dedicated to the cause of lymphedema. The LAQ offers education and support to all those coping with this incurable disease.

Would you like to advance the cause of lymphedema sufferers? Would you like to contribute directly to activities that support people of all ages – children, adults, seniors – affected by lymphedema? The LAQ is always looking for volunteers to help advance the cause. Whether to support the organization of services to the population or to defend access to treatments covered by the RAMQ… we need you!

Wherever you live, you can give a few hours to the cause, on a regular or occasional basis, and help the LAQ achieve its unique mission. Get involved according to your interests, availability and experience. You can play an active role in advancing the cause of lymphedema sufferers, in every corner of Québec!

Among other things, we’re looking for volunteers to help with:

  • Co-facilitating education and support groups
  • English text revision – for English-speaking volunteers with a good understanding of French
  • Computer support
  • Data entry
  • Member services
  • Event organization
  • Mail preparation
  • Calls to members
Join the ranks and we’ll be even stronger!

Would you like to find out more about volunteering at LAQ? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions.

To reach us, write to us at or leave a message at:
514 979-2463 / 1 866 979-2463. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you for considering volunteering for lymphedema and the LAQ!

Volunteer Form

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Contribute to the cause of lymphedema

Lymphedema is still a little-known disease, and the number of sufferers is growing.
Help the LAQ, an association that transforms people’s lives!