To make it easier to monitor your self-management and measure your progress, get the LAQ measuring tape along with our step-by-step guide with photos. The fastener that secures the tape and the exclusive LAQ self-measurement guidelines FOR THE LEG, developed by two therapists, will help you in your day-to-day management.
Shipping is $13 per item.
Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
Please call us for more information on:
– pricing for more than one item
– U.S. & international shipping
– overweight shipments
514 979-2463 or 1 866 979-2463
To order by phone, please leave a message in our voice mailbox.
Please allow a few days for us to return your call, plus 2 to 4 weeks for delivery.
The Lymphedema Association of Québec provides support, education, and awareness to people living with lymphedema, as well as their families, friends, and healthcare professionals. We provide information and educate about lymphedema and its causes, risk reduction, and treatments for this chronic disease, and encourage scientific research leading to a cure.
Lymphedema Association of Québec
Therapeutic Support Program
1 866 979-2463
514 979-2463
Mailing address
CP 152, Bureau Chef Branch,
QC, J2S 7B4
1 866 979-2463 / 514 979-2463
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