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Become a member

Become a member

A community that helps you cope better

As a member of the Lymphedema Association of Quebec, you’ll benefit from the support of people who are committed to controlling lymphedema and living life to the fullest. You’re not alone! The community is there to support you and provide you with all the information you need.

I have lymphedema

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I'm a healthcare

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I'm a supplier of lymphedema products or services.

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Become a regular member of the LAQ

Join a dynamic, supportive and motivated community.

As a regular member of the LAQ, you enjoy the following benefits:

And you’re supporting LAQ’s mission! Become a regular member for only $35*.

If you add a donation to your membership fee, we’ll send you an official charitable donation receipt for that portion of the amount.

Become a professional member of the LAQ

« I'm a professional »

Faced with lymphedema, healthcare professionals can feel isolated.

It’s common for lymphedema caregivers to feel they lack the resources to screen for lymphedema, refer their patients to specialists, and evaluate treatment progress.

The LAQ is there to support healthcare professionals dealing with chronic edema. Our role is to connect them with a dynamic professional community and expert, reliable resources.

The lymphedema situation in Québec

Some 271,000 Quebecers suffer from lymphedema. Unaware that they have lymphedema, these people don’t receive the treatment they need and develop “inexplicable” complications that are difficult to treat over time, such as chronic wounds, recurrent cellulitis, and physical dysfunction.

This figure may come as a shock, but it’s explained by the difficulty the medical community has in detecting lymphedema, particularly in the presence of venous insufficiency and severe obesity.

Lymphedema, a chronic, degenerative disease, remains under-diagnosed, under-treated and under-researched. This is despite access to the RAMQ’s generous assistance program for compression garments essential to lymphedema treatment.

How to contribute to change

By becoming a professional member of the LAQ, you support our efforts to raise awareness in the medical and scientific communities. PLUS, you’ll enjoy a range of benefits to support your lymphedema/chronic edema practice. An annual membership fee of $195 entitles you to a full range of services and tools.

Benefits of LAQ professional membership

Access to ProLymph – With free registration, novice and expert caregivers have access to a telephone service, a forum for exchange, areference library, and a bulletin board of lymphedema events and training. Access is reserved for physicians, nurses, lymphedema therapists, fitters or members of a professional order.

By becoming a professional member of the LAQ, you are contributing to change. And you give deep meaning to our motto:

« Joining forces to lighten the burden. »

If you add a donation to your membership fee, we’ll send you an official charitable donation receipt for that portion of the amount.

If you have any questions, please contact our head office at

Become an LAQ corporate member

Are you a supplier of lymphedema products or services? Become a corporate member and sponsor of the LAQ and enjoy a host of benefits!

Get the best visibility in Québec in our Lymphedema Guide and on our website, and obtain free information material for your clientele!

Les commandites et les options publicitaires à la carte sont offertes en exclusivité aux membres corporatifs en règle de l’AQL. Découvrez toutes nos occasions de visibilité en accédant à notre formulaire d’adhésion.

Vous avez des questions? Laissez-nous un message au 514 979-2463 et nous vous rappellerons dans les meilleurs délais.

Thank you for your invaluable support!
« Lymphedema : Let’s join forces to lighten the burden »