Lymphedema is a swelling that develops in one or more parts of the body where the lymphatic system is deficient due to malformation or trauma. A poorly functioning lymphatic system abnormally engulfs skin tissue with protein-rich fluid, causing swelling and inflammation.
No, lymphedema is a common but under-diagnosed condition. Simply put, any chronic swelling is lymphedema. It’s estimated that some 271,000 Quebecers suffer from lymphedema – that’s 30 out of every 1,000 people. However, as of 2020, only some 7,300 people have been diagnosed and enrolled in RAMQ’s Lymphedema Compression Garment Program.
Most sufferers have lymphedema secondary to another cause. These causes are, in order of importance, venous insufficiency, severe obesity, cancers involving the lymph nodes, prolonged immobilization, surgery and other traumas. In addition, 2% of the population live with congenital or primary lymphedema.
Because the lymphatic system lacks the ability to regenerate, lymphedema is a chronic – lifelong – and degenerative condition, as damage tends to worsen over the years. To date, lymphedema cannot be cured, and if left untreated or inadequately cared for, it can progress.
Don’t ignore these symptoms. Consult your doctor. Prompt intervention will limit swelling and help prevent complications.
To control swelling and stimulate lymphatic circulation, the affected part of the body must be drained and compressed daily. Lymphedema sufferers must wear a specialized, well-fitting compression garment every day, remain active, control their weight, and receive lifelong guidance from a certified lymphedema therapist.
If not diligently treated, lymphedema can cause:
Bacterial cellulitis, an infection that requires treatment with antibiotics.
Bacterial cellulitis is the most dangerous and life-threatening form of lymphoedema.
Cellulitis manifests itself through one or more of the following signs:
The Lymphedema Association of Québec provides support, education, and awareness to people living with lymphedema, as well as their families, friends, and healthcare professionals. We provide information and educate about lymphedema and its causes, risk reduction, and treatments for this chronic disease, and encourage scientific research leading to a cure.
Lymphedema Association of Québec
Therapeutic Support Program
1 866 979-2463
514 979-2463
Mailing address
CP 152, Bureau Chef Branch,
QC, J2S 7B4
1 866 979-2463 / 514 979-2463
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