Some 271,000 Quebecers suffer from lymphedema. That’s a huge number for a little-known disease.
All these people need courage and hope:
Lymphedema is an incurable but treatable disease.
Your donations respond to the distress and immediate needs of those affected by lymphedema. The LAQ can help someone decide who to consult for a diagnosis, where to find recognized decongestant treatments, when to order compression garments, how to obtain financial support, and how to undertake lymphedema self-management. The LAQ can help those affected by lymphedema through all these steps, thanks to your donations.
We also use your donations to raise awareness among the medical profession, obtain more help from the healthcare network, and support the all-too-scarce research in this field.
In this way, you can make a real difference to the quality of life of lymphedema sufferers. Every dollar counts and makes all the difference for those who will have to live with lymphedema for the rest of their lives. Thank you for your generosity!
A donation of $10 allows 50 people to call our toll-free help line for free professional lymphedema health referrals. Calls are handled directly by certified lymphedema therapists who volunteer 52 weeks a year.
A donation of $25 allows us to send 10 mailings including a complete information kit for 10 patients or 10 healthcare professionals/CLSC/GMF/hospitals. This information is not available in the healthcare network, which systematically refers to the LAQ, the only organization entirely dedicated to the cause of lymphedema.
A donation of $50 entitles 50 patients, doctors or nurses to their own copy of the LAQ Lymphedema Resource Directory. In this annually updated directory, they’ll find a list of certified therapists, manufacturers, distributors and retailers of compression garments, fitters and the few hospitals in Quebec with a lymphedema physiotherapy service. Patients and healthcare professionals will also find essential information on the RAMQ’s compression garment program – the existence and optimal use of which are disseminated only through the LAQ Directory. The Directory is provided free of charge to patients and health professionals.
A donation of $100 will enable a senior living in a residence for the less autonomous to receive a free manual drainage treatment to reduce the swelling of lymphedema and advise his or her care team to adjust care to the lymphedema of this elderly person, who is often immobilized in a chair or bedridden. Treatment and advice are provided by a certified lymphedema therapist.
A donation of $1,000 will cover part of the specialized training required by nurses and doctors to detect and diagnose lymphedema. This knowledge is not transmitted during their studies. The LAQ is one of the few organizations to offer this additional training, and to partially finance the associated costs. Only professionals working in public institutions (hospitals, CLSCs) are eligible for this financial assistance.
Your legacy to the lymphedema cause
A planned gift allows you to make an important gesture in line with your financial and philanthropic objectives, while offering significant leverage to the LAQ.
Thanks to the financial and tax advantages of planned giving, you can help far more than you ever thought possible.
To find out more, call us at 1 866 979-2463.
The Lymphedema Association of Quebec would like to thank Mrs. Mary Deirdre Ann Foucauld and the members of her family for their very generous bequest to our organization for the benefit of people with lymphedema.
As a token of our appreciation, we will record her generosity according to her wishes in our annals. We sincerely thank Madame Foucauld and her family for their support of our mission. Her generosity and philanthropic legacy will always be remembered.November 2019 – Madame Mary Deirdre Ann Foucauld
What a wonderful legacy left by Louise Mercure and her family, who added a gift of art to her financial legacy. Louise’s dedication to her condition was admirable. Her resilience, perseverance and artistry will have impressed many. It was with deep sadness that we learned of her passing, and it is with enormous gratitude to her memory and to her family that we welcome the generosity of the donation made to the LAQ.
August 2022 – Mrs Louise Mercure
The Lymphedema Association of Québec provides support, education, and awareness to people living with lymphedema, as well as their families, friends, and healthcare professionals. We provide information and educate about lymphedema and its causes, risk reduction, and treatments for this chronic disease, and encourage scientific research leading to a cure.
Lymphedema Association of Québec
Therapeutic Support Program
1 866 979-2463
514 979-2463
Mailing address
CP 152, Bureau Chef Branch,
QC, J2S 7B4
1 866 979-2463 / 514 979-2463
© 2023 Lymphedema Association of Québec. All rights reserved. | Credits